Nikki : Dumb And Dangerous
The ultimate in “Buffoonery”. What is it with these bleeding heart liberals that actually believe that these so-called muslim refugees are coming to America to become American. They are coming here to...
View ArticleObama poised to take some of Europe’s Muslims
In case you didn’t know, the so-called Syrian refugees are mostly men, not Syrian. When the stakes are entry into a free society, all holds are barred. Suddenly dead men come to life by the perusal of...
View ArticleGRADE SCHOOL GIRLS in Germany Ordered to Cover Up
This is not what you may suspect. We wouldn’t want our young children going around half-dressed. But this is above and beyond. Because we have a bunch of uncivilized refugees that are affected by the...
View ArticleStar Spangled Shariah: The Rise of Americas First Muslim Brotherhood Party
Here is more evidence of the outside forces that are attempting to overthrow the Republic. If this is not a reason to group together and stop the “enemy from within” then I say enjoy the conditions of...
View ArticlePublic School Forces Islam on Children – Parent Responds – Eagle Rising
You have to wonder whom authorized this bogus in-factual teaching and why this is occurring. Notice the reading related to the homework, three articles about islam and one about Christianity. Makes...
View ArticleLies about Islamic Taqiyya (Dissimulation)
Finally the word is out. Even though the media and the muslim sympathizers are creating the aura that Dr. Carson is off his rocker, the word is out. Now it is up to those that have already awakened to...
View ArticleSexual Slavery: “Nothing to do with Islam”?
Europe is dealing with what is to come to America. The BIG PROBLEM is, most Americans and especially the progressives, are “It’s OK”. When this is in your neighborhood, will you step up and defeat the...
View ArticleMuslim ‘Refugees’ Overrun Austrian Town With Garbage & Feces
Coming to a town near you today. Perhaps the routes that these so-called immigrants take will be via air, the mess is sure to show up wherever they are placed. When things don’t go their way, they are...
View ArticleSpotlight on Geert Wilders: His Warning to America, the “Last Man Standing”...
Geert Wilders has been sounding the cry for many years and now his earliest works are coming to fruition. If ever there was a man and his words to consider, he is one of the remaining statesmen....
View ArticleBrigitte Gabriel exposes the muslim brotherhood plan to defeat the West
Brigitte Gabriel, for those that do not know, is the founder of Act for America. Ms. Gabriel is one of the leading national security experts in the world -providing information and analysis on the rise...
View ArticleThere, I said it: Islam is the enemy
For those that believe the threat of islam is a hoax, I instruct you to understand the history of islam. From its roots of the “angel”, lucifer himself disguised as an angel, dictating to muhammad to...
View ArticleThe Qurans Verses of Violence
For those of us awakened, the quran is filled with hatred and decisiveness towards non-muslims or infidels. Here is a summary of some of the most vile teachings. And I stress TEACHINGS! A review of the...
View ArticleWho the ‘Syrian Refugees’ Are — Not All of Them Are Syrian
As these so-called refugees continue to come into our Country, we learn more and more about the disaster in Europe. When are the so-called compassionate people going to realize that the very people...
This is the same attitude the WE AMERICANS must take. Why are we “kowtowing” to a culture that is in opposition to OURS? AWAKEN AMERICA! According to...
View ArticleMedina—The First Muslim Refugee Resettlement Program
Would you say ISIS is in any way representative of true Islam? We hear, very often, Muslims say: ‟This has nothing to do with Islam.” This is a spontaneous reaction of Muslims on the street. But, in...
View ArticleGiving Away Our Country: The Motive of Muslim Immigrants
As usual, Frosty Wooldridge doesn’t pull any punches in the piece about the need to awaken. We Americans have to stop kowtowing to every whim of this culture of death. That’s right, it is a culture of...
View ArticleDestroy Islam or Islam will destroy US – Here is the Proof – Walid Shoebat
Soon we will be fighting these savages in our land. We must not allow this hijaj to continue as it will weaken our resolve. These savages are just that. They have no concern for others, only their evil...
View ArticleStudents Were Given a Drawing Assignment for a Lesson on Islam. Then Parents...
This is ripe with contempt. This so-called educator has passed through the paradigm and morphed into a muslim apologist. If they even brought the bible or other sacred books into the World Geography...
View ArticleSecurity concerns close county schools Friday
If ever there was a case for Creeping sharia, here it is. This story is from yesterday, Students Given Drawing Lesson. We do not know what actual threats the school board is reacting too, but to close...
View ArticleA Trump Presidency and the Muslims
If you choose to believe that because we have a Constitutional Republic that we can withstand the onslaught of the muslim hijra, think again. The piece from Americans for a Free Republic by its...
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